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What is included in a Full Service?


Servicing your car keeps it in good health, keeps warranty intact and increases salability / value of your vehicle. Servicing is not the same as an MOT check although some aspects are similar so you can save money booking a service and MOT check together for the same appointment. A healthy car tends to be more affordable to run. With its engine and components running at their most effective level, your car is likely to be more fuel efficient, saving you cash at the petrol pump!

All services will involve visual checks to your car, like looking for external damage — much like an MOT. They’ll also include checks to things like your brakes and gearbox. During a car service we will change the engine oil, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter or spark plugs and check lights, tyres, bodywork, exhausts, brakes, steering, fluid and coolant levels, suspension and 12V battery. We will replace certain worn car parts, if necessary.

A lot of modern cars are computerised and complex and most car owners simply don’t have the tools or skills to complete a service safely and effectively. Electronic control units and fuel injections have made cars easier to tune up and keep in good shape, but this can only be done with the right computer equipment and software, which we have invested in. 🚗

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